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We See It Everyday. We Like To Throw Things Up Into The Air and Then We Watch Them Fall Back To The Ground. What Does It Mean To Defy The Force of Gravity and To Fly Up Into the Air? What Does It Mean To Stay Suspended Above the Ground? Why Does Something That Is Suspended Above The Ground Fall Back To the Ground? We Need To Understand These Phenomena In Order To Build a New and Successful Space Exploration Program For This Century. Please Consider Our Arguments About a Sensitive Topic in Gravitation. |
Please Look At Our Arguments About the Differenct Phases of a Parabolic Semi-Orbit. Thank You. |
Phase 1 | The Neutron Denisity Has a Surface Altitude of 0 Meters. The Neutron Density Weighs 1 Gram. | ||||||||||
Phase 2 | The Planet's Proton Propulsion Propels at a Rate of 1Gram*1Meter Per Propulsion and at 15 Propulsions Per Second for 15 Seconds. What Is The Peak Surface Altitude of Neutron Denisity A? | ||||||||||
Phase 3 | The Neutron Density Reaches It Peak Surface Altitude. | ||||||||||
Phase 4 | The Planet's Electron Propulsion Propels at a Rate of 1Gram*1Meter per Propulsion and at 20 Propulsions per Second. How Long Will It Take for the Neutron Density A to Reach A Surface Altitude of 0 Meters? The Distance Between Object A and the Surface of the Planet is not yet equal to zero. | ||||||||||
Phase 5 | The Planet's Electron Propulsion Propels at a Rate of 1Gram*1Meter per Propulsion and at 20 Propulsions per Second. How Long Will It Take for the Neutron Density A to Reach A Surface Altitude of 0 Meters. | ||||||||||
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AYoungAdultStory.Com |
All of our young adults would benefit from taking comprehensive courses about Family Planning Issues. We must understand that God is the creator of all human and nonhuman life. God wants to create human life. God wants to maintain the existence of every human being that is part of His Universe. Family Planning courses should highlight the benefits of working with God to achieve parenthood. We must help our students to understand the happiness that awaits them if they would work with God to bring new human lives into the world. We need to understand the problems that lead our young adults to malfunction with Family Planning Issues. God wants our young adults and adults to stop hurting themselves and to stop hurting others with their sexual behaviors. | |||||||||||
AGodandHumanityBook.Com |
Every woman is God's Factory of Human Life. God creates all human life inside of the body of a woman. Men cannot become pregnant. God cannot create a new human life without the help of a man and a woman that truly love each other to help Him to do it. God decides to create a new human life when He feels like responding to the loving intimacy of a man and a woman that God feels would be excellent candidates to achieve parenthood. God creates all nonhuman life such as plants and animals to support the unending existence of life in His Universe. We have a privilege when we live in God's Universe. We should not abuse that privilege by hurting ourselves and/or by hurting others. We have have to seek help from God and from the medical community when we feel like hurting ourselves and/or like hurting others. God is there to help all of us to be a permanent part of His Universe. | |||||||||||
Let Us Consider What We Discuss in Our Sister Websites!! |
AYoungAdultStory.Com |
AGodandHumanityBook.Com |
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