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It is so important to understand that electromagnetic forces are part of just about everything that we do. Our audio devices all use magnets. The Planet Earth is a gigantic magnet. Magnet forces cooperate with the Earth's gravitational field to work with God to create and to maintain the existence of all human and nonhuman life. Electromagnetism is mysterious. We can invent cool things with magnets without really understanding how they completely work. We hope that our presentation about magnets will start a new revolution that will contribute to the part of the Theory of Everything that will completely explain the properties and behaviors of magnets.

The Concepts of Repulsion and Attraction

The Magical Equations

A Pulsation is caused by a stream of particles that have no mass. An Attractive Pulsation causes the distance between two objects to decrease. The objects then move closer together. A repulsive pulsation causes two objects to move away from each other. Let is look at the following demonstrations.

What is Repulsion?

Repulsion is a Situation When a Pulsation of Particles with No Mass Causes an Increase In the Distance Between Two Particle Densities. Let Us Look At the Following Demonstration.
Object A Pulsates A Stream of Particles With No Mass Toward Object B. Object A Is a Repulsive Force For Object B. Object A Pulsates At A Rate of 3 Inches Per Pulsation and at 4 Pulsations Per Second for 4 Seconds. The Initial Distance Between Object A and Object B Is Equal To 0 Inches. What Is the Final Distance Between Object A and Object B After The Pulsations End?

What Is Attracton?

Attraction Is A Situation Where The Pulsations of Particles With No Mass Will Cause a Decrease in the Distance of Two Particle Densities. Let Us Look At The Following Demonstration.
Object A Pulsates A Stream of Particles With No Mass Toward Object B. Object A Is an Attractive Force For Object B. Object A Pulsates At A Rate of 5 Inches Per Pulsation and at 5 Pulsations Per Second. The Initial Distance Between Object A and Object B Is Equal To 125 Inches. What Is the Final Amount of Time for The Distance Between Object A and Object B to Be 0 Feet After The Attractive Pulsations End?

What are the Poles of a Magnet? What Types of Polarities of the Poles of a Magnet can have?

A Positive - Positive Magnet

A Neutral - Neutral Magnet

A Negative - Negative Magnet

A Positive - Negative Magnet

A Neutral - Positive Magnet

A Neutral - Negative Magnet

What Polarities Can The Nodes of Magnets Have?
What Is the Positive Polarity (+)?
A magnetic node with a positive polarity is a repulsive force for a Neutron Density and an Electron Density when the Positive Pole pulsates particles with no mass toward either the Neutron Densitiy or the Electron Density.
What Is a Neutral Polarity (N)?
A magnetic node with a neutral polarity is a repulsive force for a Proton Density and is an Attractive Force for an Electron Density When a magnetic node pulsates particles with no mass toward either a Proton Denisty or an Electron Density.
What is an Negative Polarity(-)?
A magnetic node with a negative polarity is an Attractive Force for a Proton Density and is an Attracive Force for a Neutron Density when a magnetic node pulsates particles with no mass toward either a Proton Density or a Neutron Density.
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  1. God wants us to achieve a stronger attachment to Him that will make it easier for Him to help us.
  2. We must teach our students that we exist in a relationship with a forgiving God.
  3. We must show remorse to God for what we have done to hurt ourselves and for what we have done to hurt others.
  4. We must work with God to help those who are recovering from hurting themselves and from hurting others.
  5. God will punish us if He detects that we have the malicious intent to hurt ourselves and/or to hurt others.
  6. We must always be willing to help and to forgive those of us that show the intent to hurt ourselves and to hurt others.
  7. We must help our students to find God after they have shown remorse for having the intent to hurt themselves and/or to hurt others.
  8. God wants students to achieve an Attachment to God that will make it easier for God to help them.
  9. We must teach our students to exist in a relationship with a forgiving God.
  10. We must show remorse for what we have done to hurt ourselves and/or for what we have done to hurt others.
  11. We must help all students to achieve an Attachment to God.
  1. We can build newer and more powerful spaceships if we can believe that aerospace engineering can reach that level.
  2. Our astronauts deserve a to exist in a humane living enviornment in our spaceships.
  3. Spaceships that are powered by electromagnetic forces can be much more powerful that anything that we have now.
  4. We can build A Clean Energy Generator that can provide a more powerful source of energy for our spaceship.
  5. God and the Holy Spirit can work with us to help us to build spaceships that can help us to explore the solar system.
  6. We must prove to God that we deserve the right to use a new spaceship to explore the solar system.
  7. We must pray to God to forgive us for the pain and suffering that we have caused for Him.
  8. We must pray that we can impress God in order to recieve His approval to be able to build and to use spaceships to explore the Solar System.
  9. We can only pray that our political leaders can believe that interstellar space travel can become a reality for us in the future.
  10. We must pray that all of our sisters from all over the world will be united in our efforts to explore the Solar System if God and the Governments of Humanity can come to an agreement to approve it.

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